For more than 40 years, the passion for fabrics and innovation has accompanied SIMORRA as the driving force and inspiration of the company. From this vocation to innovate, investigate and infuse, the creation of Simorra Lab arose 10 years ago, an area of the company committed to innovation and design that is now launching this new development.
At Urban Protect, innovation and design are inseparable, neither has to give up the other, they are travel companions. Enveloping outerwear, with a passion for small details, wearable, fashionable. All of them with special and technical fabrics that incorporate NAKEBA VirProtect+® technology.
Maximum quality and design come together with protection. SIMORRA presents a collection of outerwear of the highest quality and design that is a trend in winter. The first collection in Spain with a treated fabric that inactivates Covid-19.
The garments are made with the latest generation Japanese fabrics that guarantee maximum quality, comfort and versatility. A reusable and durable product. The garments are 100% recyclable and their production has been approved by BlueSign.
Protection 2.0 The need for protection is something innate in human beings from the womb. A warm, enveloping and protective feeling that accompanies us throughout our lives. The evolution of societies and their dangers force us to develop new forms of protection against our threats, again with clothing as an ally.